Clean your Company Names Database

Highlight Company Names Service

Finding similar company names in a database is an essential task for many companies, especially those dealing with large amounts of data. The advantages of finding similar company names in a database are numerous and can have a significant impact on a company's efficiency, accuracy, and overall success. In this video, you can see how to find similar company names automatically.
Cluster your data

Find Similar Company Names

With the aid of our algorithm, the clustering of company names data is performed efficiently, enabling you to obtain a concise list of duplicate entries in a timely manner. This feature allows you to clean your company names database, including CRMs or other similar databases, swiftly and effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need the highlight company names service?
To clean your database such as CRMs or other types of databases.
What are the inputs of the highlight company names service?
The input is a list of company names.
What are the outputs of the highlight company names service?
The output is a list of company names tagged by cluster name.