UK Comapany Number Lookup
Scrape UK Company House API
Our innovative service utilizes the power of web scraping to provide comprehensive information on companies through the Company House API. With just a company name as input, our service retrieves valuable data including active directors, company number, company status, and address. By leveraging the vast resources of the Company House API, we ensure that our users have access to up-to-date and accurate information about their chosen companies.
Easy to Use
Important UK Companies Data
This service offers a wide range of use cases, including due diligence, market research, compliance assessments, financial analysis, lead generation, business intelligence, CRM enhancement, legal research, fraud detection, and entrepreneurial research. With its versatility and valuable insights, our service provides reliable and up-to-date information on companies and directors for various industries and professionals.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I need the UK company lookup service?
To easily find UK company data such as address, and active directors and company number.
What are the inputs of the UK company lookup service?
The input is a list of company names from the UK.
What are the outputs of the UK company lookup service?
The output is company name, company registration number, address, active directors, incorporation date and status.